Catatan Memori Semalam..
Kisah Suka Duka Ariff Sani
Monday, September 24, 2018
Hidup kamu menipu diri sendir
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Two months after the pilgrimmage
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Heading Home @ Mecca Al Mukkarammah
I left mecca at about 5am on January 23, 2018. Reached Jeddah at about 7am and waited for next 4 hour for the flight back home..
It takes another 8.5 hours approximately to be safely landed in KLIA..
Life never been the same again I guess. But nothing changed me. The same feeling and the same me.
Had a good rest after being home at 6 am, made me unable to be in the office so quick. I had my rest jet lag day and be as early as 8am the next day.
Few fruitful discussion with all the important people, they are all important anyway.
Seeing my beautiful faces in the office.. Guess she has change a lot after the weeks..
Hope she is working things out well.. All the best..
I am working to MOVE forward. take care my dear
# 2 weeks after my return..
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Niat Dan Nazar Di Al Haram
Hanya ini hadiah yang terbalik setakat hari ini. tak boleh diganti dengan apa apa pun. Terimalah sayang. Terimalah dengan hati terbuka. Doakan orang sehat sahaja disini.
Aku pun tak mahu memaksa sesiapa. Tapi di dalam hati aku, aku tahu apa yang aku mahu.
Niat Dan Nazar yang di lafaz di tanahair sudahpun aku sempurnakan. Hanya Allah yang akan tentukan. Moga dimakbulkan.
Tinggal satu malam saja lagi aku akan bermukim di Al Haram. Hanya tinggal 5 waktu wajib saja yang berbaki.
Segala pujian untukNya. Semoga dia makbulkan segala permintaan dan doaku.
Kiranya benar itulah yang telah tertulis, aku terima dengan redha. Janganlah di ainaya, di paksa, di biarkan, dicederakan, dihina, dicaci, atau di benci kamu akan dia.
Aku doakan yang terbaik saja kalau begitulah Akhirnya.
Salam dari Mekkah Al Mukkarammah.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Kau Datang Lagi di Mekkah Al Mukkarramah
Alhamdulillah Kau datang lagi menziarahi aku di Mekah Al Mukarramah. Terimakasih sayang, memang termakbul doaku.
Berjubah merah kau berlalu tanpa kata kata, sepi... terimakasih walaupun hanya di dalam mimpi.
Dikala aku di dalam gebar diserang demam.. Kau menjengukku.
Berkali kali aku katakan, Akan ku mohon doa dari Allah di tanah suci ini agar segalanya di permudahkan. Pengakhirannya hanya Allah yang tahu.
Aku doakan kau senantiasa sejahtera disana. Seminggu saja lagi aku akan berada di Al Haram ini. Seminggu saja lagi aku dapat bersolat dan berdoa di Al Haram ini.
Semoga aku dapat manfaat dan segala doaku di makbulkan Allah swt.
Salam dari Mekkah Al Mukkarammah
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Dalam Mimpi di Tanah Suci Mekkah
Tiba di Mekkah dari Medinah jam 12 malam waktu tempatan. 7 jam perjalanan yang melesukan setiap inci tulang badan.
Check in , makan malam, dan seterusnya berkumpul untuk taklimat sebelum selesaikan Umrah wajib di Baitullah.
Bergerak perlahan dari hotel ke Baitullah. Aku panjangkan langkah dan bergerak sendiri terus ke Kaabah, berniat dan terus mengerjakan tawaf wajib, sa'ie dan tahallol. Maka, selesailah Umrah wajib dan terlepas lah dari 13 larangan Umrah.
Terus langkahkan kaki terus pulang ke hotel, aku yang pertama tiba dan terus berehat. Perlahan lahan , satu persatu jemaah tiba ke muka hotel dalam kepenatan.
Nasib ditentukan Allah, aku ditempatkan berdua sebilik. agak lega dan memang lega kerana bilik sememang nya sangat kecil.
Cuba lelapkan mata tapi tak berjaya, Akhirnya hampir suboh terlelap sendiri. Allah, bila terjaga aku sudah terlepas suboh 3 jam yang lalu. Aku tak sendiri, hampir separuh jemaah pun alami nasib yang sama.
Selesai Umrah seperti biasa aku berdoa agar yang semuanya dimakbulkan. Agar semuanya sejahtera. Alhamdulillah, di tanah suci Mekkah Al Mukkaramah ini Allah telah datangkan kamu dalam tidurku. Kau senantiasa berada dalam Doaku semenjak dari awal lagi. Terimakasih ya Allah.
Harapan aku, agar semua dimakbulkan. semua berjalan lancar, semua sejahtera dansemua dipermudahkan.
Di tanah suci ini aku dipertemukan dalam mimpi, semoga kita, Insyaallah dapat bertemu lagi dengan izin Allah dalam keadaan nyata dan tanpa ada sengketa.
Salam dari Mekkah Al Mukarramah.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
If I Don't, No One Will
If I don't, No one will
That is my promise to myself. how could I let go.
You easily asked me to tell lies with your tears.
I want to tell the truth although it's going to hurt lots.
But the truth prevailed. If I don't tell the truth, at the end of the day you are the one will suffer.
Suffer now or later? I will keep it for now. But I guarantee you, I will not keep it just to make you temporarily happy.
Forcing me not to tell what happened may make you release just for a while. You yourself is now hiding behind your own shadow. You're scared to yourself.
That is what you choose not me..Why not face the facts.. Accept me as what I am. Accept yourself as what you are.
Things happened for a reason. Do not blamed others. We have done everything human do. BEEN THERE DONE THAT
Losing focus on everything one is doing got nothing to do with me. The one whom made the decision must be responsible for it. Not me, ohh NOT Me.
I had tried in any possible way to RETAIN but for now is all in vain. Honestly, I have nothing to lose. One knows crystal clear who is the LOSER. May be not now but for sure there's ONE.
Being a GOOD pretender and GREAT pretender is something one got to ponder. They can pretend as much as they want but how long they can pretend.. The truth will surface, it's a matter of time.
Who is holding the masterkey? There must be some one out here. Search for the one, I meant the right one.
Because the one holding the masterkey had been passing the door hundreds if not thousand of times. The holder knew well what is behind the metal door.
The one is called a CARETAKER.
This CARETAKER is not the one who looks after the cemetery or crematorium. He is the one who look after the things inside the room and off course behind the metal door.
He sat there long ago. He know the size of every single furniture, the thick of the carpet, the water pressure of the water in the washroom, the color of the room, the ambience, the lights, the paintings, and you named it all... He sat, sleep, tested, tasted and all.
He appreciated it all. He love it all. He Care it all.
Not and inches of the room and it's furniture he will ever forget. For sure not at all he will FORGO.
CARETAKER knows every single secret of the rooms. He kept it himself. Wall to wall. He knows the value, he knows what has he taken. And he knows what's left behind.
If he's not taking what's left, he won't let anybody do. No one WILL.