Monday, November 14, 2011

Salam Aidil Adha

Dah hampir sebulan atau sebulan lebih aku tak menulis apa apa di blog. Aktiviti kerja di pejabat sangat sibuk.Mesyuarat sehingga jam 2 atau 3 pagi dah jadi perkara biasa. Ini semua kerana persiapan Kejohanan Karate Dunia yang bakal berlangsung di Melaka.

Di jadualkan, tiga hari setelah tamat Kejohanan Karate Sedunia ada pula Majlis Jamuan Teh bersama rakyat oleh Tuan Yang Terutama Negeri Melaka, dan bersambung pula dengan 1WBC (Women Business Council) expo. Semuanya back to back.

Bersama YAB Ketua Menteri Melaka dan Speaker DUN Melaka menunggu ketibaan Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Hj Khalil Yaakob ke Majlis Jamuan Teh Rakyat.

Aidil Adha tiba lagi, aku berangakt pulang ke Kelana Jaya sebaik selesaikan tanggungjawab menghantar Ninie dan Icca ke airport untuk ke Alor Star. Tiba di Kelana Jaya lebih kurang jam 8 malam. Tanpa lengah terus bertanya Eliza nak makan apa, tapi nampaknya Eliza tak berapa cergas. Dok tengok TV dan akhirnya melelapkan mata di katil.

Esok awal pagi Eliza bangun awal, selepas solat Aidil Adha, semuanya dah ready atas meja. Amin dan Wati tiba seawal jam 930 pagi. Syima dan Aril tiba macam tetamu 15 minit kemudian. Manakala Mr. Amekkau sememangnya berada dirumah seperti biasa.

Kami bersarapan bersama sehingga sambung makan tengahari. Selepas lunch aku mohon izin untuk beransur ke Ulu Langat menziarahi bondaku. Kami di ulu Langat sehingga jam 730 petang. selesai azan Maghrib kami berdua mohon beransur sebab ada janji temu dinner dengan Amin di CHKL, surprise dinner for Watie birthday. we lasted there until 230am. Aku hantar Eliza balik dulu separuh jalan sebab dia tak larat.

Esok jam 10 pagi, Eliza dah mula bising sebab aku bangun lewat dari tido. - bek bek bek bek... Dia kejutkan akua dan ingatkan aku yang si Icca dok tunggu di kampung. Kalau lewat bertolak ke Alor Star macamana nak balik petang nanti.

'Anakku Cucu Jepun'

Aku bertolak jam 12 tengahari dan sampai jam 5 petang. Jalan lenggang saja. Dengan kepala yang tak cukup tido sampai jugalah aku ke Alor Star dengan jayanya. sampai di rumah terus capai pinggan dan makan (breakfast, lunch, dinner) sekali package termasuk lelapkan mata untuk beberapa jam. bangun saja hari dah lewat. Nak balik tak jadi. Ninie, Icca dan aku bangun pagi dan sarapan di Kopitiam Alor Star selepas tu baru balik bungkus barangan dan mohon beransur balik ke Melaka. (macam taxi driver la pulak)

'Sushi Queen'
Next day is another day at work. Awal pagi dah berangkat ke Curve Damansara ada appoinment dengan Stanley of GME event untuk event bulan Januari 2012. nasib baik ada driver gemuk (Hafiz) yang memandu. sebagai upah aku belanja dia makan steak di TGI Friday. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Melaka dia kata Steak tadi sedap hingga menjilat siku.

Perjalanan diteruskan ke pusat bandar dan petang, singgah di Seremban dan seterusnya barulah sampai Melaka Negeri bandar Teknologi Hijau. Capekkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....

Begitulah sambutan minggu Aidil Adha 2011.

Esok sambung cerita minggu berikutnya....


Monday, October 3, 2011

Serba Tak Kena

Aku balik ke PJ selepas jam 3pm hari Sabtu. Paginya, aku bawak Icca ke Taman Buaya, asalnya nak bawak dia ke Zoo Melaka, tapi adusss orang beratur panjang sampai tepi jalan. Habis bawak Icca di Taman Buaya aku terus pegi lunch di Malim Ikan Bakar, Taman Tasik. Aku tak makan pun, hanya minum teh ais segelas. Memang tak ada selera langsung.

On the way back nak hantar Icca ke rumah, singgah sebentar ke MITC, mak oiiii orang dah penuh attend majlis kawin anak owner Sinar Jerneh. Parking penuh melaut, RELA yang ada pun macam tak ada, main tunjuk tunjuk saja mana nak park kereta.

Sampai rumah saja, Marissa terus nak melelapkan mata beradu, letih agaknya melilau kat Taman Buaya tadi dengan Buaya Besar.!!!

Aku pun minum segelas air lagi dan terus bergerak ke PJ. Kereta meluncur dalam 90 ke 100km/j saja. Bosan dan penat. sampai KL dalam pukul 530pm. Sedikit sesak di tol Sungai Besi, mungkin ada kuda berlari kut hari Sabtu tu.

Sampai di Kelana Jaya aku terus jumpa Eliza, dia masih kelihatan lemah kurang bertenaga. Katanya, malam biasanya dia tak boleh lelap, sampai pukul 4 pagi baru nak tertidur. Insomnia agaknya, atau peraturan masa dah bertukar dalam sistem badannya. Harap tak terlalu lama perkara ini berlaku, harap akan segera pergi Insomnia tu.

lebih kurang jam 830pm , Eliza dah beritahu dia nak tidor dah, dia rasa penat. Aku pun duduk di ruang rehat tengok Berita TV3 part last yang sangat boleh di percayai. (Berita Sukan). Part lain yang sangat boleh dipercayai pun ada juga, Part tengah (wheater forecast). hahahahhahahaah

Adat seperti orang lain yang kurang sehat ni memang biasanya akan jadi marah-marah atau cepat marah. Teringat aku semasa tahun 2006, just dua tiga hari sebelum hari raya aku terjatuh dari tangga semasa nak tukar bulb lampu di rumah. Kaki aku bengkak sampai buku lali. Second raya dah ada assignment kerja di Bangkok. Nak kena lawat IMPACT convention centre kat sana. Kaki masih bengkak.

Sampai di Bangkok, terus cari tongkat sebab dah tak tahan lagi, Yang teman masa tu sapa lagi kalau tak Eliza. Dia kan kaki jalan.... memanglah dia suka. Yang tak sukanya akulah sebab kaki sakit. Jalan 50 meter kena rest dulu. Mesti time tu Eliza bebulu nak tunggu aku. hahahhahaha. Apa nak buat, sapa suruh ikut, hahahaha. Hati sentiasa nak melenting sebab semuanya jadi lembab tak macam orang kaki normal. Next day, baru lah berangkat ke IMPACT center. Sampai sana terus cari kerusi roda sebab tempat ni lebih kurang 15 acres. mana nak larat. Jadi, semuanya tak kena, semuanya jadi so slow. Patut boleh habis satu hari jadi dua hari.

Samalah keadaannya dengan Eliza ni, asyik nak melenting, hal kecik pun nak marah. tak tutup pintu pun marah, pakai towel pun marah, dok kat luar rumah pun marah, keluar jumpa kawan pun marah, makan kat luar balik lewat pun marah, semua serba tak kena. Tak apalah, aku ikutkan saja..... marah laaa sayang ooi,  dah habis marah esok diamlah dia. Lagi pun aku dah merasa macamana keadaan macam ni, yang bezanya aku sakit kaki dia sakit lain. Sabar je la. Kekadang aku dok sorang kat ruang tamu aku ketawa dalam hati dok ingatkan aku kena marah... hahahahahahaaaa

Ok la tu, hari Ahad pun sampai, aku bangun tido dan tanya Eliza nak makan laksa tak, dia dok question kat mana nak beli, katanya kedai tutup lagi. Aku bagi tau ada stall yang jual laksa buka kat Kota Damansara. dia kata ok. Sebelum pegi dia tanya nak beli berapa bungkus laksa, aku kata 4 bungkus. Dia marah lagi, dia kata beli dua bungkus saja cukup, untuk aku dan dia saja. aku kata ok, ok....

On the way sampai SS2, PJ dia call suruh beli cendol sekali, arahan dari Eliza beli 4 bungkus cendol dan make sure satu bungkus tak ada ais batu. Aku cakap OK. Dia tanya lagi berapa bungkus laksa nak beli, aku sengaja jawab 4 bungkus, dia marah aku. Aku ketawa dalam hati, sebab aku tau dia akan marah aku. hahahahhaha.

Akhirnya aku beli 3 bungkus je laksa utara kat Kota Damansara. Bawak balik, hidang atas meja dan aku makan sorang setengah bungkus dengan Eliza. dua bungkus lagi tinggalkan untuk adik-adik. Kena marah lagi... aku dah agak kena marah sebab makan tak habis tiga bungkus, aku buat tak tau je. Capai suratkhabar aku pun dok di dapur baca suratkhabar. Itu pun kena questions, hehehehehehehehe

Doakan lah semoga Eliza segera kembali sembuh seperti sediakala. I miss my old Eliza. Rambut dah mula tumbuh semula, cuma berat badan dah menurun sampai 48kg saja. Demam dah kurang, tapi Insomnia pulak yang datang. Selera makan dah tak berapa ada. Get Well Soon Along!!!!

Sabar Je la.... hahahhahahahaa

Friday, September 30, 2011

Your question!!

Hi there.
I was almost ready to call it quits this allows me to spend my paycheck the way want to im back in control of my life just trying to help out a friend
talk to you soon

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Memetik Di Langit

Bolehkah kita memetik sesuatu dilangit, sudah pasti boleh kiranya tangan sampai. Kalau tangan tak sampai apakan daya. Tapi kumpulan penyanyi Kenny Remy dan Martin  (KRM) kata dia boleh petik walaupun banyak halangan. -- Itu lagu, apa pun boleh di tulis.

Yang kaya-raya pun tak sanggup, apakan lagi aku semut merah! Bila aku tak terdaya, aku di hina, aku diherdik. Mempersoalkan kewibawaan aku. Apakah ini semua....

Tapi tak terfikirkah manusia lain bahawa kewibawaan aku ada batasnya. Kewibawaan aku bukan tiada penghujung. Aku manusia biasa. Apa akan terjadi bila aku melangkaui kewibawaaan diri sendiri. Aku akan musnah sendiri, aku akan lakukan sesuatu yang tak sepatutnya, aku hilang fokus dang akhirnya aku sendiri gagal. 

Tak siapa faham....... kerana mereka tak mahu faham..

Salam sejahtera

Bukan Balasan Yang Ku Pinta - Coretan Hati

Hari ini September 22, 2011, tapi cerita ini bukanlah cerita hari ini. Cerita ini dah aku pendamkan berbulan lamanya, cuma terkadang tak tahan untuk di simpan di dalam hati. Aku cuba selindungkan kehampaan, kedukaan, ketidakpuasan atau apa saja yang memberontak didalam hati.

Satu ketika pernah seseorang berkata kepada aku 'I can live without you and I am doing fine'. Aku terima dengan dada terbuka. Aku pun tahu aku bukanlah seorang yang hebat atau tersohor namaku. Aku telan seperti menelan air liur. Tapi semuanya pasti ada batasnya.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang kawan ada menerima beberapa hadiah dari sahabatnya, beliau sungguh terharu hingga menitiskan airmata, sebaknya tak terhingga kerana tak menjangka para sahabat sanggup memberi hadiah istemewa. Aku ucapkan terima kasih pada para sahabat, kawan dan kenalan yang memberi.

Mungkin aku tak dapat memberi apa-apa, cuma ucapan terimakasih saja. Mungkin juga aku tak menyumbang apa-apa sehingga aku diketepikan, mungkin pengorbanan aku sudah jadi perkara biasa atau kewajiban sehingga aku tak kelihatan.

Mungkin kehendak sudah mengatasi keperluan, dan perkara itu adalah dianggap wajib untuk aku tunaikan. Aku tunggu hari ke minggu, dan minggu ke bulan, mungkin bulan akan ke tahun. Aku akan tetap tunggu satu ucapan saja.

Perkara biasa orang akan melihat semut diseberang, gajah depan mata tak kelihatan. Kerana gajah dah biasa kita lihat, semut pula tak pernah di lihat. Tentunya ia perkara yang amat-amat di ingati.

Kekadang manusia mudah terlupa bahawa semua benda bukanlah semudah yang disangka. semua benda tak lah semudah memetik 1,2,3. Semua benda tak semudah berkata-kata. Tapi segelintir beranggapan ia mesti diadakan bila dipinta, ia hendaklah seperti 1,2,3.

Mengadakan benda yang tak ada tidak mustahil, tetapi mengadakan benda yang tak ada berkali-kali adalah benda yang harus kita fikirkan. Janganlah kita menarik muncung yang panjang bila benda yang diadakan tidak seperti diharapkan. Tidak semua orang senasib dengan kita. Tidak semua orang selesa seperti kita. Oleh kerana kita hanya memikirkan tentang diri kita, maka kita terlupa tentang kesusahan orang lain, seolah-olah orang lain tidak..................................

Hanya aku yang tahu apa yang aku coretkan, aku akan tunggu saat itu..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy week ahead

I started my Monday with a State Assembly at Seri Negeri, left Petaling Jaya to down south as early as 530am. Arrive safely at about 720am, freshened up at shoot to the venue.

Upon arrival meeting few friends and the assembly start at 8.00am, finished at 10.15am, rushed for another meeting which was scheduled at 10.00am can completed my morning at 12noon after the meeting adjourned.

Back to the office, call up for my driver and have a quick bite and had another meeting with event organiser in Malim Melaka. after the meeting rushed back to office as another meeting will take place. Completed all the meetings almost 4.15pm.

Shoot up to KLIA and flew to Penang for a short meeting and got back at KLIA at 11pm. What a busy day!

On Tuesday, as early as 7.45am, I am there at Linggi barter trade habour for a short meeting and manage to be in th eoffice as early as 10.00am. Run through a few meeting minutes for the follow up and follow through till the office hour ended. Have a good rest last nite at home.

Started my Wednesday with a management meeting at 8.30 and ended at 1045am. By this afternoon will be heading to Kuala Lumpur to visit Rumah Melaka as tommorrow the state will hold their Hari raya Open House there. Amybe I will drop by Technology Park in Kajang  on my way there.

Meanwhile, Eliza, Nini, Marissa and Sara all in good health. Thank God.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Shawal 2011

Shawal Datang Lagi!!

Selamat Hari Raya pada semua Muslimin dan Muslimat.

Seperti biasa, inilah Shawal yang ke 17 saya berhari raya Aidilfitri di tempat kerja. Yang berbeza ialah tempatnya. Kali ini di Melaka pula. Ini tahun ke 5 di Melaka. Pagi raya, seperti biasa akan terus ke masjid untuk solat Aidilfitri dan terus ke tempat kerja.

Majlis rumah terbuka Negeri Melaka berlangsung dengan kehadiran hampir 50 ribu orang. Majlis tamat jam 5.30 petang. Penatnya tak terkata, nak patah kaki berdiri dari pagi.

Pulang saja kerumah saya bersiap dengan beg pakaian untuk menuju ke Pantai Medical Centre Bangsar. Nampak sangat sedih dengan keadaan Eliza yang masih menerima rawatan disana. Inilah pertama kali dalam sejarah saya berhari raya di hospital bersama Eliza.

Seperti biasa tidurlah di wad sampai jam 6.00am. saya balik ke PJ lebih kurang jam 10.00am. Hari Raya begitu bosan sekali. Kepala pening memikirkan jumlah bil yang akan di jelaskan. Sepuluh hari di PMC saja dah menelan hampir 40 ribu ringgit.

Kepada para sahabat dan saudara mara yang banyak membantu saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih. Eliza pun sudah keluar dari hospital pada 7 September yang lalu. Walaubagaimana pun Eliza masih mendapatkan rawatan 'day care' untuk dua minggu lagi sehingga doktor berpuas hati. Kos rawatan 'day care' pun 10 ribu ringgit untuk enam hari. Tapi Eliza boleh berada di rumah bersama keluarga. Alhamdulillah.

Kepada Hema, Anjang, Kak Yeh dan ahli keluarga terdekat saya ucapkan ribuan terimakasih atas bantuan. Hanya tuhan saja yang akan membalasnya.

7hb September 2011, hari yang sama Eliza discaj  dari hospital anak saya pula menerima musibah. Sekarang ada di hospital Ampang Puteri. Tuhan betul betul menguji saya. InsyaAllah saya akan tabahkan hati menerima ujian ini.

Kadang -kadang saya termenung macam hilang punca. menunggu ' what's next? Inilah dugaan Shawal dan dugaan tahun 2011.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aug 22, 2011 - Eight days to Syawal

Over the weekend i spend my time at home as Eliza discharge on Saturday noon. She wanted to be at home as the medical team in UMMC failed to identify the virus or bacteria that attacked her lungs. she asked for two days leave from UMMC.

Just few minutes before I reach home she inform me that she wanted to have her dinner at Victoria station of which I agreed, provided she has to break fast at home. She smiled at me once I steped in....

After a few bites of nasi campur she excused herself from the dining table as she dont feel good. She step into our bedroom and rest herself there alone.

As I promised her earlier for dinner at victoria Station, I waited for her at the living hall till 8.00pm. nothing happened. She's still there on her bed resting. Comes to 9.00pm, she still there in our room sleeping. She's not well. I decided not to wake her up and no dinner at Victoria Station that night. She only awake at 4.30am.

The next day, I took her and Mama to Seremban 2 for alternative treatment. we lasted there till 3.00pm. as I promised her yesterday, finally we heading to Victoria Station for buka puasa. She asked me to head to VS in PJ. On our way there, she changed her mind, she wanted to have it in Bangsar, I follow..............

Once we arrive at VS Bangsar, she changed her mind again, she dont want to have it there, she want to have Thai food. I nodded. We ended up having our dinner at Athantuya Restaurant next to Victoria Station. Food there was dammed good.

We got home around 830pm,  Eliza complaining that she had fever. She went straight to our bedroom and rest. She did not have her sleep well until 6.00am.

By 8.00am on Monday, I accompanied her to UMMC for follow up treatment. Her body temperature was 38.4C.  She must be admitted immediately. That's is the only choice.

I met Dr Bee around 12.00noon. We discussed about the next course of action and the consequences delaying the next phase of Chemo. We both finally agreed to treat the fungal infection first. However, after 3 weeks of biopsy sampling, the medical team failed to identify the problem. We are in the dark.

My Eliza still had her fever on and off, just about 3.00pm today she called me and said she's at 39.9C. I hope the team will get the answer as soon as possible. I hope they do not put her as guinea pig.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Going through Second Week Of Ramadhan @ UMMC

As usual, I went back to KL over the weekend and straightaway to UMMC. Eliza condition improve only on forth day of her admission. However, she is on anti fungal drug for the next few weeks. This has caused her shivering every few hours.

She cried every times when she was on the phone with me. She wanted to get home as soon as possible. she cant take the pain. The side effect of the drug now is worst than chemo.

Earlier this morning, the doctors had advise her to go for her third phase of chemo. She's not convinced. She knew that she will stay put in the hospital for the next 45 days if she agreed for the chemo. I am speechless.......

I love you ALONG.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

UMMC and Ramadhan

The last time I wrote was about a month ago. That was when Eliza discharged from Pantai Hospital. She seems to be very happy to get her normal live back. She started driving two weeks after. She went the most to Klang and Kuala Lumpur.

She spent time shopping for tudungs and new clothes. Each weeks she went to Klang for an alternative medication and when the day came for medical examination follow up in Pantai Hospital the result was beyond expectation. I and the rest of the family members was overjoyed.

Come the third week we have to do follow up again. Dr Shanker advise Eliza to go for the next course of chemo. We finally agreed to him for good.

Arrangement made by Dr Shanker to admit Eliza to UMMC on July 03, 2011. She finally went to the hospital for admission on that date but she seem to be very unhappy with the ward and room provided. (off course as it is not a private hospital). She now have to share room with another patient.

In the evening of July 03, doctors have screened her and found that shes not fit for chemo due to certain reasons. she was as to go home.

July 05, 2011. Eliza reported back to UMMC and started her fasting as chemo program will take palce the next day. A week after the program as usual Eliza became very tired and so weak and it last for the next 21 days.

I decided not to write or update anything about her till her 21 days as I expected that she will be discharge on the 22nd day but I was wrong.

She came out from the hospital on Aug 01, 2011. That is the first day of puasa. She spent 28 days in UMMC. She is happy to be back home but she is very fragile and weak. I decided not to publish any photo hof her as she turn skinny now. All the family members welcome her home including her new maid (Lis).

She only spent 7 days of her puasa at home. On Saturday Aug 07, 2011 after few fever attack she decided to go back to the hospital for treatment. She was admitted at 2.30am on Sunday August 08, 2011.

She was immediately put on drips and antibiotics. I spent the whole nite next to her bed. Early in the morning she was served with bread and butter. I went back to Kelana Jaya shortly after as I need to have my short nap.

Back at home, Mama is preparing her home cook lunch pack while I asleep. Met her again at 1.30pm for lunch and the routine goes.....

Today, Eliza is in UMMC for the third day. This morning she went for her citiscan and they spotted something on her liver. She will stay there maybe for the next few days

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Redha kan saja

Saya dah beristeri selama 14 tahun, dalam pada itu ada lagi jodoh, maka dua lah isteri saya.

Tak ada rasa bangga pun beristeri dua. Tak ada apa pun yg perlu dibanggakan. Ini semua takdir. Walaupun ilmu agama tak sedalam mana, saya cuba berlaku seadilnya walaupun tak seadil mana,

Kisah ini bukan pasal adil, tapi pasal perempuan. Saya akur perempuan itu lemah, tapi harus diakui perempuan itu juga ada hebat dan kekuatan sendiri.

Sebagai contoh, saya takut jumpa doktor kecuali terpaksa. Baru baru ini telinga saya sakit, tiga malam tak boleh tidur lena. Staff perempuan juga akhirnya yang convince suruh jumpa doktor. Saya jumpa...

3 tahun dulu sama juga, perempuan juga suruh saya jumpa doktor. Saya pergi, 5 malam di hospital bercuti.

Tapi saya tetap kata perempuan lemah, kenapa ya??

Kenapa tidak!! Bab beli barang suka sangat, angkat barang tak lalu! Bila angkat berat sikit start komplen, kenapa saya tak tolong angkat. Tapi siapa yang beli?

Bila dia suruh kita beli, kita beli dan angkat sampai depan mata, sikit kita tak komplen, kita diam saja. Tapi bila dia beli, dia tak lalu angkat. Kenapa beli kalau tak lalu angkat? Kenapa buat muka bila baraang yang di beli tu berat, tak kan tak tau barang yang di beli tu berat!! Saya tak faham la....

Ini bukan perkara semalam terjadi, tapi dah terjadi sejak saya bujang. Mungkin sejak azali lagi, saya saja tak perasan. Hahaha....

Bukan saya nak mengomel, tapi sekadar menulis untuk luahkan perasaan sendiri. Memang perempuan itu lemah dan perlukan perhatian dan pertolongan, itu kejadian tuhan... Redha saja la selagi hayat di kandung badan.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Little Icca first day at school

We have decided long ago to sent Icca at the early age as possible. However, since pre kindergarden near to our place only accept kids at least at the age of 3 for admission, we have to put things on hold. recently they changed their policy. and here we go.....

Yesterday, June 28, 2011. I got back home at 6.00pm. Fetch Ninie for some kueh-mueh and we are home by 7.00pm. As I wrote in my previous post, I am yet to fully recover. My stomach bloated and felt so tired. I knew something is wrong although i had not taken my lunch. That is normal for me not having any food intake over lunch.

Had some kueh and a bite of chicken without rice. Just after Berita Terkini, I am dosed off. By 11.00pm I am awake to normal, maybe becaused of my routine lifestyle I couldnt sleep till 5.00am. I have to have an early start next few hour, by 7 should prepare my self to office. Before then I have to sent my little one to school.

Over the midnite, i could not imagine that Icca is going to school tommorrow. I could not imagine how she's going to communicate with her newly made friends. I started to recall how was my first day at school in 1975. I kept crying on my first day at school. I never been sent for kindergarden or whatever we call it today as pre-kindergarden.

I was wrong this time, Icca was more than happy to be there with her friends. parents or maids are not allowed to wait even outside of the classroom. We were asked to spared her food, driapers, towel and apair of shirt. The rest will be taken care off.

Lis, my maid look very uncomfortable. she's not happy that she's not allowed to be there. What to do then? Procedure is a procedure. Icca has to be on her own at least for now. I hope she will continue to be happy at school and enjoy her day.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My third Day

I tried hard to hide that I am not feeling well from eliza and Ninie.

But finally today I can hide no more. I got back home as early as 5pm.

For the last three days I am taking capsuls more than what I should.

Being at work and losing focus bring no good to me. Short nap in the office doesn't help much.

By 30th June, Eliza must pay another visit to UH. Like it or not she must admit for further treatment.

Very low foos intake make me weaker day by day.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Giliran Saya

Hari ini giliran saya ke Pantai Hospital. Telinga dah berdengung 3 hari.

I met Dr Ilangovan ENT specialist in Pantai Hospital Melaka. As expected he sodomised my ear and nose with his tiny camera and showed me what is wrong with my ear drum.

Nahh ambil kau segenggam ubat utk bekalan pulang. Adussss life goes on.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Follow Up Treatment

Today we went to Pantai at 2pm for blood test and follow up treatment.

While waiting for Dr Shanker we pay a visit Sister Ooi office.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Melaka, Shah Alam, Kelana Jaya, Shah Alam, Kuala Selangor, Shah Alam dan PJ

Having our good time as a fAmily, Eliza is now recuperating. I took her to Pasir Penambang wet market together with ninie its sound wierd to others, not to me. I lead my life. No comments welcome as long as I can have good life with my family.

She bought lots of seafood. Later we drove back to subang murni.
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Breathing Difficulty

Shortly after I posted the last post, we both watched Australian Who Got Talent on You tube.

A little later I had a short conversation with my other half Ninie over BBM. It is around 2am and its time to sleep as I had to leave early back to Malacca around 530am.

I was awake at 3am and found my Eliza still with her eye wide opened. She told me that she could sleep as she had breathing difficulty. At the back of my mind I suspected something as leukaemia patient normally has this kind of symptom. I hope I am at the wrong side.

At 9am today she will be at Pantai Hospital again to have her other stitches remove, hope she will inform the doctor of this.

By 545am I have to excuse myself back to Malacca. Here in Nilai R&R I had my tea tarik before heading down to office in Malacca.

Hope everything goes well today.
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Removing the staple away

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My Nini and Icca

Meanwhile my little Icca and her mommy is at home in Malacca.

Nini took her for a swim class this evening. As usual my she slept early that nite.

During the day my Nini went to luxury handbags sales at MITC.

She bought nothing anyway. She called me informing she's not feeling well.

I love you mommy and Icca. Be good, I will see you tomorrow.
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First Dinner Outing after discharge

Last saturday nite the parent play host for a family dinner at Cerana Restaurant in Cheras.

Eliza was in cheerful mood although she was not fit enough to stay out for long. Amin and Wati arrived earlier and waited for us.

She had her favorite sambal fish. We left home immediately after that.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Eliza is coming home

I met the doctor this afternoon, I guess I am not too late to congratulate him being conferred a datukship by sultan ahmad shah of pahang last two weeks.

He's very positive with eliza condition. Very optimis about her getting well soon. Tomorrow I expect that she will be discharge from the hospital by noon. She's coming home.

Will update you guys what's happening tomorrow
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday May 30, 2011

Maaf kerana tidak dapat update blog saya beberapa hari minggu lepas kerana tidak punya cukup masa. Selepas 3 hari di ICU, Eliza dipindahkan ke CCU buat seketika untuk observation. Sehari kemudian Eliza di pindahkan ke wad biasa.

Saya juga hanya berkesempatan untuk melawat Eliza hanya pada waktu yang ditetapkan saja. Kini dah 2 hari Eliza di wad biasa D603. Pelawat kini dibenarkan. Walaubagaimanapun Eliza masih perlu observation dari pakar kerana paru-paru masih belum sembuh sepenuhnya dari jangkitan.

Mengikut maklumat dari doktor Shanker, keadaan beliau semakin baik. Pagi ini Eliza akan ke bilik Xtray untuk memastikan dada dan paru paru beliau berfungsi sepenuhnya.

Saya tak dapat hendak letakkan gambar beliau selepas operation atas permintaan beliau. Eliza sudah beberapa kali bertanya bila beliau boleh pulang ke rumah. Saya rasa Eliza dah letih tinggal di Hospital. Harap dalam minggu ini semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. dan harap doktor akan benarkan dia pulang ke Kelana Jaya.

Saya tahu dia rindukan rumah dan biliknya di Kelana Jaya.


Monday, May 23, 2011

10 mins before wheeled in to Ops Theatre - May 23, 2011

Taken by Shima 10 minutes before taken to OT. She's all right and strong.

She told me that she will file a RM1mil summons if I publish he photo.

All 3 of us had a good laugh as our day start...
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May 23, 2011 - operations and ICU

She woke at 6am, she knew that she's going under the knive by 8am. Taking her shower followed by me, an early start of the day.

No breakfast as she's required to fast from 12am last nite. She arrived at 615am. She didn't sleep at all as we we out earlier in Bangsar coffee shop.

Staff nurse came in at 620am and brief us the do and don'ts. She was then wheel in to the OT escorted by me and Shima. Wati was not in sight. Mama and Papa was a little bit late by 15mins.

I knew both of them are upset as they can't see their daughter. I am speechless.

She later been place under the care of ICU.

Later at 3pm the doctor called me informing that she has to go for another ops for the left lungs. They requested me to come in to sign the letter of consent for the other ops.

I arrive at 415pm and signed all the necessary document. Now is the waiting time. Next 25 mins, she will be under the knives again.

I know are strong my darling, I will do whatever I can. Love you.....
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

SMAJ 1985

*Gambar di ambil dari FB Norhasimah Hasan Basri

Teringat saya pada kawan kawan sama kelas di SMAJ 1985. Itu pun nasiib baik Hasimah post gambar tingkatan di Facebook. Kalau tidak saya langsung tak punya apa apa gambar kenangan semasa bersekolah selain yang di post Norazah terdahulu. Maaf, kerana saya tak dapat nak ingat nama rakan sedarjah satu persatu.

Cikgu Rohana memang saya kenal, Ruzina Abu, Mastura, Sapari, Sulaiman, Haris, Ogy, Azah, Noi, Siti, Mona, Shima yang lain saya tak ingat.....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

She's so tired

Pic removed for a personal reason.

I have taken this picture without her consent.
I just fed her soto ayam for lunch. She only allowed me and mama to feed her.

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Meeting The Doctors

As schedule the doctors came in sharp at 830am for the meeting.

Dr Shanker start to explain Eliza condition. Blood count both white and red are back to normal. Bone marrow has started to respond and reproduce cells.

The only set back are, Eliza lungs both left and right got infected with bacteria. She is advised to go for a 3 hour procedure under the knives.

We (papa and me) quickly decided for her best. She will in the operation theatre on Monday at 8am. Later she will be put on machine and be place in intensive care units for few days until her lung fully recover.

I hope she won't be long in ICU. Be strong my dear, we love you.
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Sleeping Old Baby

Tried to call my Ninie at home. Maybe she already asleep with my litlle sweetheart Marrissa,

The Mama also seem so tired after the massage. That's how she look like. I just want her to feel and be good as what she does last time.

I love you yang, tomorrow is another big day
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May 21, 2011 @ 213am

I arrived at her room at 145am, she want me to massage her leg as she told me its hard for to remove from point to point.

Specialist already inform Mama thar she got to go under the knive again as there were infection below the lung.

The rest of internal orgAn works well. I have to wait till 830am to hear from the doctor what's theoutcome. My eliza, you will get well soon OK.
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Bangsar here I come

Drove back to Bangsar a bit late, Eliza called me twice while I am om my way there.

The mother text me, doctor want to see me at 830am tomorrow about something.

She called me again, informing that that the doctor want to talk about the cost that will be incurred for the surgery. I just asked her whether she's ready for it. She said she's ready for it. Cost is something that I've to figure out somewhere else not here.

By tomorrow I've to decide for her good. I will be by your side my darling, don't worry. Things going to be all right all the way.

I will see you later sayang. Meanwhile, my marissa and ninie is not going to be here visiting over the weekend..they will stay put in Malacca. Marissa not in her best of health. Coughing and hi fever. I hope she's going to be ok after visiting doctor this afternoon.

Ninie, meanwhile must stay home to look after her. I restricted from going out although I knew she will not obey by it as she got her things to do out there.

In the hospital my darling Eliza is waiting for me. I have to be there as soon as I could.

Regards for today
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My little Sweetheart

I arrived home quite late yesterday nite at 10pm. My Marissa waited for me in front of her favorite tv show (cartoon). She quickly ran towards me and gave me a hug.

Take off my shoes and left my socks on, I purposely did that as I knew my Marissa will later take it off from me. True enough, she sat down  just infront of me and taking my socks off, I unbutton my normal Thursday Batik shirt and pass it to her. She immediately sent both of my socks and shits to the laundry basket.

She then pull her small little pink chair and white table her mother bought her last week at Ikea, pull a stack of book and show me the all the objects in the book, page by page towards the end.

As she sat on my lap, she started to pinch one by one of my mole on my abdomen, my back and my arm but the most favourite one in on my chest.

Later, I carry her on my shoulder and took her for a few round of ride from the kitchen to our living hall. she got tired and started to look for her pacifier, its almost 1115pm by then. Time for her to go to bed.

I made a phone call to Mama in Pantai Hospital in Bangsar I told her that I am not coming tonite. She agreed and understand that I am tired. I will be there tommorow nite to accompany my Eliza over the weekend. I am looking forward to take her home. Get well soon my darling.!! 
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

KM 209.2 dan Burung Hantu

Pejam celik, sudah masuk tahun ke 6 saya berkhidmat di Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah. Enam tahun juga lah saya berulang alik dari Kuala Lumpur - Melaka - Kuala Lumpur. Setiap hari pasti ada kemalangan jalanraya. kalau bernasib baik dapat dilihat depan mata sendiri, kalau tidak, hanya nampak bangkai kereta tersadai di bahu jalan atau di monsoon drain di tepi hi way. Keadaaan mangsa, wallahualam.

Pejalanan dari Kuala Lumpur biasanya ambil masa 1 jam 45 minit untuk pemanduan mengikut arahan papan tanda had laju. Tapi biasanya tak siapa pun akan ikut arahan had laju lebih lebih lagi waktu pagi. Al maklumlah  saya melawan arus. Kenderaan pun tak berapa banyak menghala selatan. Rekod terbaik pemanduan saya dari tol Sg Besi Ke tol Ayer Keroh, Melaka ialah 56 minit. turun saja dari kereta, kaki sendiri mengigil, hahaha

Kelajuan terbaik saya memandu ke Melaka ialah 205km sejam untuk Merc, manakala kalau pandu kereta rasmi V6 pada 195km sejam. Cuma mohon pada tuhan jangan terjadi musibah di jalanraya saja. tidur kena cukup dan badan jangan penat. Biasanya driver saya sangat tidak selesa kalau saya bagi tau saya sendiri yang hendak pandu. Dia KECUT duduk sebelah... hehehehe. biasanya saya akan sampai Ayer Keroh dari Kuala Lumpur dalam tempoh 1 jam 15 minit.

6 tahun satu tempoh masa yang panjang. kalau di tolak cuti dan weekend saya rasa saya dah buat perjalanan ulang alik tak kurang 800 kali ke Melaka, maknanya 1600 kali darab 1 jam 15 minit.  Jumlahnya 120,000 minit bersamaan 2000 jam, bersamaan 83.3 hari memandu tanpa tidur.

Apa yang menariknya berkenaan KM209.2 ni?

Sepanjang saya memandu ulang alik ni, bila sampai di KM209.2 menghala selatan terutamanya waktu pagi sekitar jam 7.00-730am saya akan perlahankan kereta sebab saya nak tengok BURUNG HANTU di atas tiang lampu jalan. Setiap hari burung ni duduk bertenggek atas tiang ni. Kalau ada rezeki sesiapa yang membaca blog saya ni dan ada kesempatan lalu disana jam 7 pagi pasti ada burung hantu duduk bertenggek disitu.

Apa pun harap Eliza isteriku  bertambah sehat hari ini. Love you

Drip Lagi

Semalam saya sampai lewat ke Hospital Bangsar sekitar 2am. Kerja habis lewat. Sesampai di Hospital Mama telah tidor. Eliza masih duduk di katil berjaga kerana tak boleh lelapkan mata. Mesin Drip dan jarum masih lagi di tangan.

Sedih saya melihatkan isteri saya Eliza yang tak berdaya. Mukanya amat nampak keletihan menahan sakit. saya nampak dengan jelas, tangan, jari dan kaki sedikit membengkakk akibat banyak air yang dimasukkan melaui drip.

Eliza mengadu dia sakit di bahagian rusuk, sebenarnay kata doktor adalah disebabkan jangkitan kuman di paru paru. batuk masih belum lagi lega walaupun suhu badan sudah kembali normal. Deman panas telah pergi jauh.

Akibat terlalu sakit, doktor sudah buat suntikan morfin tengahari semalam. 2 pint darah juga telah dimasukkan. Kepada kawan-kawan yang sudi boleh lah mendermakan darah A+ semasa waktu bekerja di Hospital Pantai.

Keadaan fizikal yang lain juga turut berubah, rambut Eliza yang lebat sudah tiada kelihatan lagi, atas permintaan Eliza saya tidak publish gambar beliau. She is on scarf now.

Jam 620am saya terpaksa mohon diri meninggalkan Eliza di Hospital. Saya bertolak ke Melaka untuk ke pejabat, Jam 10am ada mesyuarat penyelarasan Konvensyen Zakat dan cukai peringkat kebangsaan. hari ini akan jadi hari yang memenatkan sebab ada 4 lagi meeting sampai petang.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Perhimpunan Pagi PKNM

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Trying To Be Cool

Actually I am not, I knew what's happening. I knew my Eliza is not well.

I believe just for one thing. She will be ok. She's strong and she will recover soon.

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Its Sound Cruel

Thanks for the intend of visiting my Eliza. However your visit are not welcome.

If you tend to visit please leave acomments here. I will be the Mr Postman to let her know your intention. I may also say to her that you are here in the hospital but you are not allow to visit her by my strict instruction.

Don't worry, I will always convey your prayer to her. its just not the right time to visit her. Will keep you all her updates

Ariff Sani
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Heading to Bangsar

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She Doesn't Sound Good

I have been in Malacca for the past two days. Meaning that I was not with my Eliza for two nights. But I call her every now and then. She sound so jovial yesterday. We talk a lot over the phone.

But today is entirely different things. I call her many times since morning. She only answer the call that I made at 410pm. She sound bad.

She told me that she was put on drip and antibiotic. She was also put on oxygen mask at 5am.

Attempt to talk to her mother failed. I will make my trip back to Bangsar only after I conclude my meeting later this evening.

Good girl, strong girl, that is what I hope you to be. I love you my Eliza. I will see you later.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


She barked me of not being sensitive to certain issues. But why should I. I just be what I am.

Why I have to pleased people when they are not to me. I am free to write what I feel right to me. No one can stop me.

Who cares when I am in toubles? No one. Who cares when I am in deep s--t, no one. So why ask me to be sensitive to issues that's not relevant to me. I just want my family to be happy.

I was out of job in 2001 for twenty months. No one cares. No one asked how I lived. Someone so embarassed when I am out of job and I am being frank to their friends I am out of job. I only had rm5 in my pocket but trying to feel good I behave that I have 5 thousand in my pocket.

I never said it out loud that I am out of cash. Even I said that no one cares except a friend of mine from Penang. (Raja Kamar) he banked in RM1k to my account as I need for an interview.

Why should I care about people when they only know to feel they are not welcomed.

I will continue writing about this when times permit me. So hurt when people try to control you but when you are in needs they are not there.

Don't blame me.
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Bed time

Almost 1am now, she's so tired. Good nite all
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So difference

She lost her weight tremendously, but she pretend she's ok all the way.

I knew her well. Her gum bleed daily due to the drug. BP at 131/83, seem to be ok. Haemoglobin still under par, hair kept dropping.

I arrived by 1130pm from Malacca. She was too upset as I arrive too late for her, for the matter of facts, I have a lots of people that I have to please around me. She mumbles alots, I kept quiet.

She mumbles about the evian water, food, soup and so on. I console myself as I expected her to behave that way since day one. Its ok. Will be patience as long as I could.

As you guys can see, she lost her weight, but she deny it, (we can see it) I pretended nothing unusual happen had took place.

She told me about how her best friend got so upset over the food prepared few days ago by someone. I kept my mouth mums. Friends or best friend is just that.!! ( I guess, I hope I am wrong)

For those who is so close to her, I am sorry. I must admit that I am not a good husband but I am doing my level best to look after my wife. I will do whatever I could within my family members whether you like it or not to look after my Eliza.

Thanks to those who are willing to give their helping hands when I am in needs.

But I must says your unnecessary comments or objections sometimes are not welcome at this time. I have a small family, I guess by end of the day I will live by them, no one elses. Even how close you are with her.

Those who are listening, forgive me if I've said something hurt you.

Have a great day ahead.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Are you sure you love daddy?

I love you all, Happy Mothers Day.
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Like father like daughter

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Sunday Kueh Lapis and Seri Muka Breakfast

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 21 at Pantai Hospital

Today May 7, 2011 is the 21 day Eliza been housed in room D603 pantai hospital.

It is exactly 16 days after the first day of her chemotherapy program.

She's is coping up well. I asked her to start walking at least 10 times from the door to window every 4 hour.

She talk a lot today. She just wanted talking company. She talk about her siblings, doctor, food, construction next to the hospital, nurse, shower, her treatment progress, blood count.

She not even interested talking about her work, cakes, books.

She just want to have her good resting time until she fully complete her 28 observation days.

Ninie called. Eliza laksa is ready. I have to pick her and the laksa now.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

May 5 updates

BP reading yesterday was very good at 140/81. She look cheerful. She had an ice cream and her diet was upgraded. She had spaghetti for lunch

Meanwhile, I've informed my nephew azwan who is now a pilot in indonesia about his untie. He was very close nephew to Eliza.

Nadia who is a doctor in Malacca and her other brother also being informed.

I was quite tight at office as the whole team is preparing for DPM visit on Friday. (Today).

Mama voluntatrily to company Eliza for the past 3 night. I slept at 12 in the hospital meeting room.

Time to go to work, ermmm
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Coughing and stomachache

Both of us doesn't really enjoy the night. Eliza kept coughing throughout the night.

BP reading has dropped to 100/58. By 5am, both of us can't even continue our sleep. So there it goes, I quickly prepare her favorite toast and milo.

I enjoyed my hot shower although in the hospital room.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Nando's Lunch

She requested for Nando's take away lunch. Waited till 11am as Nando's open its door.

Picked ninie, icca and lis from the house and head to Nandos for the food.

While we are about approaching the hospital Eliza called me. She's starving. 5 minutes later the food is on the table ready for consumption.

Ninie attended her for lunch while I attended icca at the lounge.

Earlier in the morning Eliza talk to me about their conversation (ninie) during her previous visit.

Meanwhile, the nurse informed the the blood test result is ready. As I saw it, the count
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Icca and her Mommy

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A Photocopy of myself.

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The two Sibling my lovely dotters.

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Yesterday April 30, 2011

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Today May 01, 2011- 730am

BP at 113/63. Blood sample just taken for count.

Still coughing throughout the nite.

Seems that she's getting better, I hope it will continue........
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Sunday, May 1, 2011


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Saturday, April 30, 2011


Its almost 520pm, Nafisah the nurse on duty came in with her BP machine and do the usual test.

BP reading at 130/62, seem okay but body temperature at 38.4C. Earlier Eliza told me that her body temperature will normally go up by 500pm.

True enough, but I kept ask her to be positive. She's now resting.
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some thing to Remember

I was interviewed by Reuters Australia representative when I attended AIMES international conference in Melbourne. I represent the state Government of Malacca.

One or two years back

I could not remember where were this picture taken but I know it was taken on November 21, 2010

Taken when I was in Jakarta on January 14, 2011 for a business proposal with the president of RADJA MICE, Indonesia
Attending Wedding Dinner in Alor Star on December 04, 2010

Few month back

This picture was taken on February 12, 2011 two days before Valentine Day. We made a trip up to Kemaman, Trengganu  just to enjoy stuff crab there.
This one was taken on October 17, 2010 in one of the restaurant we dine in.

April 28, 2011 - Eliza, Ariff And YAB Datuk Seri Ali Rustam

As I was not in the hospital last night, Eliza called me at about 830am, informing me what was happening last nite.

Eventually after the last call that I made to her, body temperature has climb up to 39.7C which is obviously not suit anyone normal. the doctor and nurses has put on drip and antibiotics. I was  not informed at all by then since her mother feels it is under control.

I went to work as usual, had a meeting with website designer and later to the main entrance of the trade centre waiting for our Chief Minister of Malacca.

Azmi is my loyalist waiting for the Chief Minister

Earlier I have prepared letter about my wife for him to acknowledged. Chief Minister only arrive at 200pm. I took him to the function room where all the VIPs already waited for him since 1230pm.

By 240pm the function ended and i escorted him down to Level 1 and finally Ground Floor. I took the opportunity to tell him my wife condition. He nodded few times and asked where is my wife now.

Brief the Chief Minister about my wife condition

Pass the letter to Chief Minister

The Chief Minister run through its content

And finally, he signed the letter with specific intruction on it.
After sending him of, I BBM Eliza and told her what's happening. I hope she had a good rest by the time I am wrote this. Ok darling, I will see you tonite.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My little Icca

I spent the whole night home, playing with my little Icca the copycat of Hanako my mother. So happened she took chocolates from the fridge without permission and there she goes....

She became so hyperactive till wee hours. I could not enjoy my sleep as she kept asking me to play with her.Actually I am tired. my in law advise me not to come over to hospital as I had flu, but its not good for Eliza. My flu deteriorating today from bad to worse. Maybe because of my tight traveling schedule.

I am looking forward for Eliza to be back to normal again. Its not going to be that long for sure, I will take Icca bo be with her. Icca my notty girl.....
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27042011- today at 730am.jpg

Eliza at 730am today, April 27,2011
She's the winner today, she woke at 530am and never went back to sleep till I left to Malacca to work. She was so cheerful, however she got backache. drank a lot of water last night around three litre make her bloated.

I knew its all caused by the drug she took for the past for days. People said it was heaty inside and you tend to easier get dehydrated once you under the therapy.

Her BP this morning was at 111/71. Dr will take her blood test today at 800am and will continue her therapy at 11am for the next twelve hour. I expect her therapy will end by 12 midnite.

Wati is taking care of her for breakfast and Mama and Kay Ee will be in by 230pm. Before I left hospital, I have told her that she's a good girl and always be strong.

I arrived Malacca at 816am, heavy downpour from Puchong up to Nilai. hold some quick discussion at 830am with operational staff, signed few documents and left for Durian Tunggal at 1030am.


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