Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday May 30, 2011
Saya juga hanya berkesempatan untuk melawat Eliza hanya pada waktu yang ditetapkan saja. Kini dah 2 hari Eliza di wad biasa D603. Pelawat kini dibenarkan. Walaubagaimanapun Eliza masih perlu observation dari pakar kerana paru-paru masih belum sembuh sepenuhnya dari jangkitan.
Mengikut maklumat dari doktor Shanker, keadaan beliau semakin baik. Pagi ini Eliza akan ke bilik Xtray untuk memastikan dada dan paru paru beliau berfungsi sepenuhnya.
Saya tak dapat hendak letakkan gambar beliau selepas operation atas permintaan beliau. Eliza sudah beberapa kali bertanya bila beliau boleh pulang ke rumah. Saya rasa Eliza dah letih tinggal di Hospital. Harap dalam minggu ini semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. dan harap doktor akan benarkan dia pulang ke Kelana Jaya.
Saya tahu dia rindukan rumah dan biliknya di Kelana Jaya.
Monday, May 23, 2011
10 mins before wheeled in to Ops Theatre - May 23, 2011
She told me that she will file a RM1mil summons if I publish he photo.
All 3 of us had a good laugh as our day start...
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May 23, 2011 - operations and ICU
No breakfast as she's required to fast from 12am last nite. She arrived at 615am. She didn't sleep at all as we we out earlier in Bangsar coffee shop.
Staff nurse came in at 620am and brief us the do and don'ts. She was then wheel in to the OT escorted by me and Shima. Wati was not in sight. Mama and Papa was a little bit late by 15mins.
I knew both of them are upset as they can't see their daughter. I am speechless.
She later been place under the care of ICU.
Later at 3pm the doctor called me informing that she has to go for another ops for the left lungs. They requested me to come in to sign the letter of consent for the other ops.
I arrive at 415pm and signed all the necessary document. Now is the waiting time. Next 25 mins, she will be under the knives again.
I know are strong my darling, I will do whatever I can. Love you.....
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
SMAJ 1985
Saturday, May 21, 2011
She's so tired
I have taken this picture without her consent.
I just fed her soto ayam for lunch. She only allowed me and mama to feed her.
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Meeting The Doctors
Dr Shanker start to explain Eliza condition. Blood count both white and red are back to normal. Bone marrow has started to respond and reproduce cells.
The only set back are, Eliza lungs both left and right got infected with bacteria. She is advised to go for a 3 hour procedure under the knives.
We (papa and me) quickly decided for her best. She will in the operation theatre on Monday at 8am. Later she will be put on machine and be place in intensive care units for few days until her lung fully recover.
I hope she won't be long in ICU. Be strong my dear, we love you.
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Sleeping Old Baby
The Mama also seem so tired after the massage. That's how she look like. I just want her to feel and be good as what she does last time.
I love you yang, tomorrow is another big day
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May 21, 2011 @ 213am
Specialist already inform Mama thar she got to go under the knive again as there were infection below the lung.
The rest of internal orgAn works well. I have to wait till 830am to hear from the doctor what's theoutcome. My eliza, you will get well soon OK.
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Bangsar here I come
The mother text me, doctor want to see me at 830am tomorrow about something.
She called me again, informing that that the doctor want to talk about the cost that will be incurred for the surgery. I just asked her whether she's ready for it. She said she's ready for it. Cost is something that I've to figure out somewhere else not here.
By tomorrow I've to decide for her good. I will be by your side my darling, don't worry. Things going to be all right all the way.
I will see you later sayang. Meanwhile, my marissa and ninie is not going to be here visiting over the weekend..they will stay put in Malacca. Marissa not in her best of health. Coughing and hi fever. I hope she's going to be ok after visiting doctor this afternoon.
Ninie, meanwhile must stay home to look after her. I restricted from going out although I knew she will not obey by it as she got her things to do out there.
In the hospital my darling Eliza is waiting for me. I have to be there as soon as I could.
Regards for today
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My little Sweetheart
Thursday, May 19, 2011
KM 209.2 dan Burung Hantu
Pejalanan dari Kuala Lumpur biasanya ambil masa 1 jam 45 minit untuk pemanduan mengikut arahan papan tanda had laju. Tapi biasanya tak siapa pun akan ikut arahan had laju lebih lebih lagi waktu pagi. Al maklumlah saya melawan arus. Kenderaan pun tak berapa banyak menghala selatan. Rekod terbaik pemanduan saya dari tol Sg Besi Ke tol Ayer Keroh, Melaka ialah 56 minit. turun saja dari kereta, kaki sendiri mengigil, hahaha
Kelajuan terbaik saya memandu ke Melaka ialah 205km sejam untuk Merc, manakala kalau pandu kereta rasmi V6 pada 195km sejam. Cuma mohon pada tuhan jangan terjadi musibah di jalanraya saja. tidur kena cukup dan badan jangan penat. Biasanya driver saya sangat tidak selesa kalau saya bagi tau saya sendiri yang hendak pandu. Dia KECUT duduk sebelah... hehehehe. biasanya saya akan sampai Ayer Keroh dari Kuala Lumpur dalam tempoh 1 jam 15 minit.
6 tahun satu tempoh masa yang panjang. kalau di tolak cuti dan weekend saya rasa saya dah buat perjalanan ulang alik tak kurang 800 kali ke Melaka, maknanya 1600 kali darab 1 jam 15 minit. Jumlahnya 120,000 minit bersamaan 2000 jam, bersamaan 83.3 hari memandu tanpa tidur.
Apa yang menariknya berkenaan KM209.2 ni?
Sepanjang saya memandu ulang alik ni, bila sampai di KM209.2 menghala selatan terutamanya waktu pagi sekitar jam 7.00-730am saya akan perlahankan kereta sebab saya nak tengok BURUNG HANTU di atas tiang lampu jalan. Setiap hari burung ni duduk bertenggek atas tiang ni. Kalau ada rezeki sesiapa yang membaca blog saya ni dan ada kesempatan lalu disana jam 7 pagi pasti ada burung hantu duduk bertenggek disitu.
Apa pun harap Eliza isteriku bertambah sehat hari ini. Love you
Drip Lagi
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Trying To Be Cool
I believe just for one thing. She will be ok. She's strong and she will recover soon.
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Its Sound Cruel
If you tend to visit please leave acomments here. I will be the Mr Postman to let her know your intention. I may also say to her that you are here in the hospital but you are not allow to visit her by my strict instruction.
Don't worry, I will always convey your prayer to her. its just not the right time to visit her. Will keep you all her updates
Ariff Sani
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She Doesn't Sound Good
But today is entirely different things. I call her many times since morning. She only answer the call that I made at 410pm. She sound bad.
She told me that she was put on drip and antibiotic. She was also put on oxygen mask at 5am.
Attempt to talk to her mother failed. I will make my trip back to Bangsar only after I conclude my meeting later this evening.
Good girl, strong girl, that is what I hope you to be. I love you my Eliza. I will see you later.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Why I have to pleased people when they are not to me. I am free to write what I feel right to me. No one can stop me.
Who cares when I am in toubles? No one. Who cares when I am in deep s--t, no one. So why ask me to be sensitive to issues that's not relevant to me. I just want my family to be happy.
I was out of job in 2001 for twenty months. No one cares. No one asked how I lived. Someone so embarassed when I am out of job and I am being frank to their friends I am out of job. I only had rm5 in my pocket but trying to feel good I behave that I have 5 thousand in my pocket.
I never said it out loud that I am out of cash. Even I said that no one cares except a friend of mine from Penang. (Raja Kamar) he banked in RM1k to my account as I need for an interview.
Why should I care about people when they only know to feel they are not welcomed.
I will continue writing about this when times permit me. So hurt when people try to control you but when you are in needs they are not there.
Don't blame me.
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Bed time
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So difference
I knew her well. Her gum bleed daily due to the drug. BP at 131/83, seem to be ok. Haemoglobin still under par, hair kept dropping.
I arrived by 1130pm from Malacca. She was too upset as I arrive too late for her, for the matter of facts, I have a lots of people that I have to please around me. She mumbles alots, I kept quiet.
She mumbles about the evian water, food, soup and so on. I console myself as I expected her to behave that way since day one. Its ok. Will be patience as long as I could.
As you guys can see, she lost her weight, but she deny it, (we can see it) I pretended nothing unusual happen had took place.
She told me about how her best friend got so upset over the food prepared few days ago by someone. I kept my mouth mums. Friends or best friend is just that.!! ( I guess, I hope I am wrong)
For those who is so close to her, I am sorry. I must admit that I am not a good husband but I am doing my level best to look after my wife. I will do whatever I could within my family members whether you like it or not to look after my Eliza.
Thanks to those who are willing to give their helping hands when I am in needs.
But I must says your unnecessary comments or objections sometimes are not welcome at this time. I have a small family, I guess by end of the day I will live by them, no one elses. Even how close you are with her.
Those who are listening, forgive me if I've said something hurt you.
Have a great day ahead.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Are you sure you love daddy?
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 21 at Pantai Hospital
It is exactly 16 days after the first day of her chemotherapy program.
She's is coping up well. I asked her to start walking at least 10 times from the door to window every 4 hour.
She talk a lot today. She just wanted talking company. She talk about her siblings, doctor, food, construction next to the hospital, nurse, shower, her treatment progress, blood count.
She not even interested talking about her work, cakes, books.
She just want to have her good resting time until she fully complete her 28 observation days.
Ninie called. Eliza laksa is ready. I have to pick her and the laksa now.
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Friday, May 6, 2011
May 5 updates
Meanwhile, I've informed my nephew azwan who is now a pilot in indonesia about his untie. He was very close nephew to Eliza.
Nadia who is a doctor in Malacca and her other brother also being informed.
I was quite tight at office as the whole team is preparing for DPM visit on Friday. (Today).
Mama voluntatrily to company Eliza for the past 3 night. I slept at 12 in the hospital meeting room.
Time to go to work, ermmm
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Coughing and stomachache
BP reading has dropped to 100/58. By 5am, both of us can't even continue our sleep. So there it goes, I quickly prepare her favorite toast and milo.
I enjoyed my hot shower although in the hospital room.
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Monday, May 2, 2011
Nando's Lunch
Picked ninie, icca and lis from the house and head to Nandos for the food.
While we are about approaching the hospital Eliza called me. She's starving. 5 minutes later the food is on the table ready for consumption.
Ninie attended her for lunch while I attended icca at the lounge.
Earlier in the morning Eliza talk to me about their conversation (ninie) during her previous visit.
Meanwhile, the nurse informed the the blood test result is ready. As I saw it, the count
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Today May 01, 2011- 730am
Still coughing throughout the nite.
Seems that she's getting better, I hope it will continue........
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